ドイツから来た、イラン人留学生のYousef Yari Kamrani君です。
Yousef君は、昨年の基生研Internship Programにて、当研究室で研究体験を行っています(参照)。
My name is Yousef Kamrani.
I studied my MSc. in the field of plant
biotechnology in Germany and since 5th October 2012, I have just
joined lab of professor Jun Minagawa to study my PhD focuses on photosynthesis
engineering of unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas
Moreover I believe studying abroad is a chance
to satisfy intellectual curiosity and studying in NIBB as a high distinguished
Japanese research center is a double chance to achieve my goal.
Beside of my
research work, I always was interested to write and compose folk music of
Mediterranean and Middle East region.
Indeed, living in Japan might be a great
opportunity for me to know more about Japanese traditional music too.